Immigrants, Latinos, and Asians account for growing shares of the economy
and electorate in Georgia. Nearly 1 in 10 Georgians are immigrants (foreign-born), and more than one-third of them are naturalized U.S.
citizens who are eligible to vote. “New Americans”—immigrants and the
children of immigrants—account for 7.4% of registered voters in the state.
Immigrants are not only integral to the state’s economy as workers,
but also account for billions of dollars in tax revenue and consumer
purchasing power. Moreover, Latinos and Asians (both foreign-born and
native-born) wield $31.7 billion in consumer purchasing power, and the
businesses they own had sales and receipts of $20.6 billion and employed
nearly 110,000 people at last count. As the economy continues to grow,
Georgia can ill-afford to alienate such a critical component of its labor
force, tax base, and business community.